Industrial Rehab

Industrial RehabIndustrial RehabIndustrial Rehab

MAR provides a comprehensive set of Industrial Rehabilitation services. The finest in objective evaluation and treatment methods are implemented into an aggressive return to work model recognized by consumers as the standard in the industry. Our protocols are based on peer-reviewed research and are delivered under the direction of experienced licensed therapists.

Functional Capacity Evaluation

Determines a worker's abilities and limitations, thereby assisting the physician in a return to work decision. Components include assessment of worker's abilities of the categories of, lifting, carrying, pushing/pulling, musculature status, endurance and positional tolerances.

Upper & Lower Extremity Impairment Ratings

Utilizing state of the art equipment, our team takes goniometric range of motion measurements for the upper and lower extremities. We provide physicians with comprehensive reporting and a calculation of impairment following the American Medical Association Guides for the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.

Work Conditioning

Includes a comprehensive entry and exit evaluation. Sessions are performed for up to 3 to 4 hours 3 to 5 times per week. Emphasizes progressive resistive exercise, endurance training, lifting, and generic positional tolerances.

Work Hardening

Also includes a comprehensive entry and exit evaluation. Sessions performed for up to a full day, five days per week. Emphasizes conditioning and work simulation activities.

Benefits of Industrial Rehabilitation Services

Legitimizes actual impairment and Identifies magnified impairment. Expedites return to work in cases where the worker has reached a plateau in therapy. Provides objective and accurate return to work data.

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